Sunday, August 20, 2006

Overview of 1950s

The decade of confusion...

1950s were the years of good and bad time for the people. These years were the golden time for economy, since the people had made a lot of profits. But also they were the years of confliction, most conflicts had developed from women's rights, civil rights, and imperialism.Most of the people tried to avoid the conflicts.The effect of these social problems in 1950s had continue until the rest of the twentieth century.


The important events

-Korean war
It was started from June 25, 1950 until July 27, 1953.The war hadn't officially ended, it had turned to a civil war between communist North Korea and republican South Korea.They had fought about, which government would taken over the whole Korean peninsula.Later the civil war had turn into the cold war, which was between the capitalist ( United states) and communist countries( Soviet Union ).

Korean war, which was fought between North Korea and South Korea
in 1950 until 1953. Website:

-Cold war
The Cold War was begun, because of the economic struggle
between Soviet Union and the United States. They were a huge tension between these two nations, which affect the other wars such as Arms Race, the Space Race, McCarthyism, and the Korean War. Stalin's death in 1953 left an enormous impact in Eastern Europe that forced the Soviet Union to create more policies.The first country, which was ruled with a communist system was Cuba.

This is the famous image of the nuclear mushroom cloud.This bomb was drop in the cold war. Website:

-Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis is also known as the Suez War or the 1956 War.They were a war which was fought in the Egytian territory.These war was fought between the United Kingdom, France and Israel, because they wanted to gain control of Egypt.( Imperialism) The United States also played a crucial role in this war.

The emergency of 1951-1954 in Suez Crisis. Website:

website for the 3 important events:

Important people of the decade...

-Harry S. Truman
He was the Vice President of United States. He ordered his army to chase out the communist sympathizer from the government. He had ordered the atomic bomb to be use in the cold war against the Soviet.

(He was born in May 8, 1884 – died December 26, 1972)

-Nikita Khrushchev
After the death of Stalin 1953, Khrushchev had continue the communist policies and took over the Soviet Union.He had changed some of the rules and created the new one. Most of the people hadn't agree with the communist system, which had cause 20 million people to be killed.

He was born in April 17, 1894–died :September 11, 1971. Website:

-Fidel Castro
He was the first president ,that ruled Cuba under the communist system,after the cold war.Cuba was the first country, which was rule under the communist system.

He was born in August,13 1926. Website:

Website for these 3 important people: For Castro), For Kruschev) and For President Truman)

Important Technological Improvement of the decade:

-Spunik I

Sputnik 1 ( Russia) was the first artificial satellite to be put into orbit, on October 4, 1957. It was created during the Cold war.The satellite weighed about 83 kg. It had two radio transmitters (20 and 40 MHz) and is believed to have orbited Earth at a height of about 250 km.

Spunik I satellite, which was created during the Cold war. Website:


The mass production of the computer began in June 14, 1951 .It was built by the univac( Universal Automatic Computer). The development of the computer had created a huge problem for the company, but later on they decided to develop it.

The world first computer.Website:

Website for the technologies: For the Sputnik I), For the computer)

3 Famous works of the 1950s:

-An important Scientific discoveries of 1950s

Polio vaccines was invented by Jonas Salk.It was tested in 1952 ,and was used in April 12, 1955. It was used to kill the Virus. In those time, they have been a few people, who got infected. Some of the people got the virus from the unhygienic needles.The polio wasn't as good as today in 1950s.

The stamp that showed the polio vaccine in 1950s. Website:

Website for the polio vaccine information:

-Famous Piece of Art

It is kind of hard in this period of time to find a famous piece of art, since there are a lot of "physical" events going on. It might not be that Famous,but it is still an art. This painting was painted by Ismail. This painting was about palestine people.It was a tradgic time for Palestine people.Since they have to move to diffirent camps. He was also the victim that was in that camp.He loved to sketch a view of Palestine.

This is the picture about the life that people suffer in Palestine.It didn't tell the finish date of this picture. But it stated that it was done during 1950-1959.This is the oil painting. Website:

Website for the information of Ismail's painting:

-A Popular Consumer product of 1950s

A famous product was from the company that called Aladdin.They had created many products before 1950s.The famous product of the Aladdin company in 1950s was school lunch kits in 1953. It had the pictures of trains and other technology on. It was quite popular in USA.

This is the sample of Lunch kits in 1953. It wa created in 1953. Website for this picture:

Website for the information about the Lunch kits:

Overall , I think that the Korean war was important from the three events, because it was the Korean war that linked to the other war at first.That's why the Cold war occured. I think that, Khrushchev was the most important people out of the three people, because he had related to the other war, and other important people. Without him continued the communist, the cold war would never occured and they will not be an Communist system in Cuba. The Spunik first had given the idea to the rest of the world about radio transmission. Without the polio vaccine discoveries, we would be suffer from the dangerous virus that killed people. I have named the 1950s, the confusion period, because the good events, like economy and discoveries, had taken occur, but at the same time it was these events that lead to war!!!

I hope that you have learned something from this information! Please review! Don't be afraid! And Thank you for taken your time on my blog

Thursday, August 10, 2006

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