Saturday, November 11, 2006

Russia Propaganda Poster

What is Propaganda and What can we learn from it?

Propaganda is a specific type of message that spread the idea, doctrine or practice, which influence the people to believe. Propaganda is created by an organization and sometimes is use in the negative way. The selected information might occur to be a lied or fake sometimes. Propaganda is use in any form of public or mass-produced communication designed. We can learn the events from the past and what did the society believe in those times. Also we could learn the organization ideas and their goals.

All power to soviet...

The writing says "power to soviets! Peace to all nations! Land to peasants! Factories to workers! Lenin, holding the Pravda newspaper " In those time, Russia was having difficulty, because of the WWI. The peasants didn't have their own lands to work and grow their own food. As for factories, the workers could get wages from working in the factories and be able to support their family. This statement had been said in the Pravda. This poster made the people to believe that if they support Lenin. They could improve their lives and the problems of Russia. The red border represent communism. Lenin held the Pravda indicated determination and promise for the people, if Lenin got to be leader. As for the scripts layout, It was like the message from Lenin from his own speaking. The most effective about this poster is Lenin.


We will do everything...

The message says " We will do everything that the party wants. For the 12th 5-year plan. " This poster has influenced the people to support the 5 years plan that the government had created. The purpose of the 5-year plan was to develop Russia industrialization. That was why below the man, there is factories. Red color and the flag represent communism. The sickel, hummer and the star represent the workers. The man represent determination of the development of the industrial. Themost effective was about the poster was the man in working uniform.


Every step of communist party...

The message says " Every step of Communist Party of Soviet Union is tied with Marx..." Before the Russia revolution, the country was governed by absolute monarchy, which the people didn't have any freedom and equality. Later Karl Marx spreaded the idea of communism, which said that the people would be equal. Most of the people started to believe and support Marx. So this poster had influenced the people to think that the Communist Party was trying to do what Marx had said and wanted the people to follow everything that the government had said. The red color of this poster represent the communism. The mable background was there to make MARX to be standout. As for Karl Marx position, His eyes were like " looking" towards the future of the country. And of course the most effective part of the poster was Marx.


I serve the country...

The caption is "I serve the country." People considered that fighting in the war was like serving their countries. In this poster, the government wanted the Russian to believe that if they worked in the factories .It was like serving the Russia. The government wanted the people to support the five-year plan, because that was what the government aimed to...industrialization. The color red represent communism. The army, the tanks, the boat, the aeroplane etc. represent people fighting in the war or serving the country. The sickle with hummer symbolize the workers. The hummer with the barrow etc. symbolize the factories or development of the country. The stars symbolize the goal or the sunshine. ( P.S If the people followed the plan, Russia would become better like the sunshine) The effective about the poster is the stars with the worker symbol and the development symbol in it, because that is what the government wanted to imphasize the people to notice.

Democracy means...
The caption is "Democracy means not only rights, it also means responsibilities, obligations, discipline." The poster tried to make the people think that Democracy is the same as Communism. The government tried to promote that Communism has rights, responsibilities, obligation and discipline. The red color of the poster represent communism. The logo symbolize the workers. The words written in white symbolize purity. The effective about this poster is the color of the poster, because the government wanted the people to support communism.

The acceleration...

The caption says "The acceleration of the scientific and technologic progress is the long-time political direction of the [communist] Party " This poster tried to tell the people what the communist Party trying to do. Russia didn't have good industrial, which applied to factories, equipment and transportation. It was a good thing for the people, since it would make people lives easier and more convenient. The sickel, hummer and the star represent the workers. The color red represent communism. The "shadow" behind the worker symbol is like the future of Russia. Since the picture indicated the factories etc. The white color that support this "shadow" is like the sunshine to Russia. The picture and the words weren't straight because it tried to emphysized the future to the people. Of course the effective about this picture is the sickel,hummer, star and the "shadow". Since this is what the communist Party wanted!!!



Russia was in the difficult crisis or situation. The Russians wanted to have a better life. They wanted to have better jobs and they didn't want to be in poverty. They wanted money to support their families. These propaganda had influenced people to support communism, since if they did support the communism their needs would be provided. The communist party wanted people to have positive attitudes towards communism. I believed that the communist party wanted the people to support them so that their goals could be developed. But these propaganda posters provided some fake informations as well...